Homemade rhubarb lemonade /juice
A really nice recipe for lemonade / juice. This recipe is at least in the top 2 of the most simple recipes I know with rhubarb. Fifteen minutes from start to finish. Including the 10 minutes where it just stands and simmer. If you have lots of rhubarb in the garden, and a large freezer, then this is the a really good way to use them. Or pour it on a nice bottle and give it away as a gift.
- 1 lbs (500 g) rhubarb
- 1 quart (1 l) of water
- 1 lbs (250 g) sugar
- 1 lemon, juice off
- 1 tablespoon homemade vanilla sugar, or 1 stick vanilla, or extract
- 1 star anise (optional)
- 1 stick cinnamon ( optional )
Clean the rhubarb and cut into 1 inch (2-3 cm) pieces.
Put cinnamon and star anise into a pot with the rhubarb.
Cover with water and simmer for 10-15 minutes until they fall apart.
Put sugar in a bowl and sieve the rhubarb juice into the bowl too.
Add lemon juice and vanilla.
The basic principle is "enough water to cover the rhubarb when cut" and then "half as much sugar as rhubarb". By weight. Season with lemon juice.
You can add Sodium Benzoate to keep it longer. I don't. Or you can freeze it.
Thin with water to taste. 1:1 tends to be fine.