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Homemade Chai Tea

Chai tea has become extremely popular in this household. Especially in the cold months. Trying out different blends I have come up with my own mixture that I like the best. And this is it.
- 150 g black earl grey tea
- 15 g dried ginger (candied if you prefer a little sweeter taste)
- 15 g cinnamon (4 rolls)
- 8 g black pepper
- 6 g kardemom
- 4 g star anis (3 stars)
- 3 g clove
Crush the spices and mix up with the tea. I use a coffee grinder, but a mortar does the job too.
I use 1 tbsp of chai for a 1 liter (1 quart) pot of tea. I let it soak for 6 minutes.
I think that just mixing five spice into tea will be pretty close too. Almost the same ingredients.