White Potato Salad
Normally, white potato salad is made with mayonnaise, but I prefer a white sauce made with yoghurt and cream. It is easy to make and equally well suited for everyday dining and parties, red meat or barbecue sausages. Also, you often have all the ingredients in the fridge, so it's faster than ordering a pizza.

- 2 lbs (1 kg) waxy small potatoes, cooked, cold
- 1 cup (2 dl) Greek yogurt, 10%
- ½ cup (1 dl) whipping cream
- ½-1
- 1
tsp asian fish sauce
- 1
- 1 tsp coarse grated pepper
herbs total 1 oz (30 g)
- 1/3 oz (10 g) parsley
- 1/3 oz (10 g) chervil
- 1/3 oz (10 g) basil
- 1 spring onion or shallot
Boil the potatoes for approx. 20 minutes until they are tender. Let them cool off. Peel and cut them into 1 cm thick slices.
Chop the herbs and onion as finely as possible.
Mix the dressing and herbs well.
Fold the potatoes into the dressing.
See the green potato salad, which I usually do along with this when there are guests.
You can easily use skyr instead of yogurt but then use ½ cup (1½ dl) skyr for ½ cup (1½ dl) whipping cream. Otherwise the dressing becomes too thick.
You can also use mayonnaise, or mayonnaise mixed with yogurt or skyr.