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Video Recipe - Marshmallows are a new invention that was developed in the 50's. When making your own, you can even add any flavor and color that you want. It is also a recipe that kids love to try, so it is good to do with them. It does not take very long. This is a basic recipe. You may experiment with orange or strawberry juice instead of water, or water colored with red beets, or ....
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Video recipe - When browsing paleo sites I have often seen recipes for almond buns and oopsies. I found that the almond buns looked interesting. So I have been experimenting with those a lot. This is the recipe I have developed. They are a lot easier to make than regular buns and they taste better too. So I make them often now.
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Video recipe - If you want to make Danish pastries and desserts, there is simply no way around marzipan. I have many danes living away from the country asking for a marzipan recipe. Because you can not buy it in most places in the world. I have not been happy with the recipes I could find in the literature or online, so here is the one I have made. It took only 1½ weeks of experimentation and reading up to get it right:-S I also contacted one of the major danish marzipan manufacturers (Odense) that kindly shared some secret.
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Video recipe - You often need a syrup as a base ingredient in other recipes. The is a short presentation about how to make your own syrup. I present one basic recipe and show 4 variations that you can use as an ingredient in other recipes.
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Slowly fermented bread. The best bread I have ever encountered is amusingly enough also one of the simplest to bake. It doesn't require kneading and only very little handling. Usually less than 10 minutes. The only drawback is that it has to ferment for a long time, so the process can be difficult to get into a working day.
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Video recipe - Some of the most difficult types of bread to bake are those made of laminated dough. Also called a viennese dough here in Denmark. Amusingly it is called "Danish pastry" in most of the rest of the world. The ultimate challenge is the croissant. It is very honest and has no filling, no remonce, no glaze or other things that can hide one's flaws. There are many ways of doing it, with different amounts of "rolling-butter", number of butter layers etc. This recipe is the one I think is the best version for beginners and experienced bakers alike.
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Laminated bread is made by making a normal bun dough and then folding it in layers with butter in between. There are different ways to do this. Using croissants and other types of bread as examples I show here what results the different methods will yield. This should enable you to "understand" laminated bread instead of just following a recipe.
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Video Recipe - The butter you buy has had all the flavor washed out to improve durability. You do not need to do that with the home-made version, and therefore it tastes much better than the butter you can buy. It is also pretty easy to make your own butter, so why not try it the next time there's a party? Here is also a few extra recipes and tricks about butter.
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Video Recipe - What could possibly be better than chocolate? Chocolate whipped up with eggs to a fluffy mixture with whipped cream on top ... of course. Good in a large bowl. Good in portions. Good!
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Video Recipe - Tiramisu is one of my favorite desserts. Unfortunately, it requires large amounts of mascarpone. It is a cream cheese that costs an arm and a leg here in Denmark. And a kidney. Fortunately, it is one of the easiest cheeses to make yourself, and it requires only two ingredients.
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It's all bread that can be made from the same basic recipe. So here they are, all merged into one. it is based on my "classic french bread recipe". Not the best bread in the world, but very close to what you buy at most bakeries.
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Video recipe - It's time to bake and the cake just needs a finishing touch of something sweet. It's time to pull out the remonce. It is used for the danish cake "brunsviger", danish pastry, cinnamon buns, cake-man, pastries, almond kringle and cream buns. It's a very simple but necessary base recipe to know.
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"Vegetarian meatballs" Yeah ok. It may be a description I have made up myself, but it is not entirely wrong. Falafel reminds me a lot of meatballs. I am very fond of dishes with chickpeas in general. But there is no doubt that this is among my top two ways to make them. Humus being the second favourite.
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Video Recipe - We knead bread for three reasons. The first is very simply to mix the ingredients together. The second is that the mixing promotes the formation of the gluten in the flour. It makes the dough more elastic. The third is to bootstrap the fermentation.
In this video I show a basic principle that can be used for any type of dough, and how to implement it for dough with different amounts of hydration.
I also demonstrate what gluten is, and what it does in a bread.
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"This is it. you hereby get my recipe for gingerbread biscuits. The recipe is over a 100 years old." My sister in law announced one day. I was a bit shell shocked. It had taken me almost all of those 100 years to pry the recipe from her:-S But now that I have it, I am happy to share this recipe. it is awesome!
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Video recipe - it is well known that we danes have a hampering for danish pastry. Even our breakfast bread is often made from this. There is the classic "poppy" (birkes) that is a non sweet danish pastry with a load of poppy seed on top. Hence the name. And there is the "copenhagen poppy / tea poppy" where the pastry is a bit sweeter and there is almond remonce for filling. It is not quite a cake and not quite a breakfast roll. But very good none the less.
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Video Recipe - I have a general article about stir frying on the site. But I did not add any recipe to it. So this recipe is an example of a simple wok right using the principles of the article. But make no mistake about it. It tastes great:-)
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Video Recipe - My favorite cake when it comes to danish pastry is the "Spandauer", or as they are known abroad "A Danish". This is how you can make them at home.
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