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is the most simple ice creams to make. It takes literally 5-10 minutes of work if you prepare a little bit in advance. Of course you can make sherbet without an ice cream maker, but they are so much better with one, so I strongly recommend them. Especially the type with built in compressor/freezer.
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Deep-fried vegetables is a simple, cheap and very nice tasting dish. It is made with a beignet dough. Beignet dough is at the same time also very suitable for double crumbing. It holds on really well to the breadcrumbs. Tempura is the Japanese name for a beignet dough. In principle beignet is just a little thicker pancake batter.
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Video recipe - Some of the most difficult types of bread to bake are those made of laminated dough. Also called a viennese dough here in Denmark. Amusingly it is called "Danish pastry" in most of the rest of the world. The ultimate challenge is the croissant. It is very honest and has no filling, no remonce, no glaze or other things that can hide one's flaws. There are many ways of doing it, with different amounts of "rolling-butter", number of butter layers etc. This recipe is the one I think is the best version for beginners and experienced bakers alike.
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The "French" bread we make most often here in Denmark, is a typical white bread that is quick to make, but taste of very little. It is not a classic long fermented bread recipe, and can have a tendency to taste slightly yeasty. If you want to avoid that, then this recipe is closer to the classic French bread. Slowly fermented and with a pre ferment. It is not really any more difficult to make, but it must be planned a little ahead of time, as there are some long fermentation periods along the way. So for some people it is impractical for everyday use. But great for a weekend where you want to make "the ultimate French bread".
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Video Recipe - Even though it is a simple recipe it is very versatile. The pastry is often what turns seperate ingredients into something special. It's also very quick to make. Here is a recipe for making it both manually and by using a food processor. And how to pre bake the bottom without any filling.
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Video Recipe - Almond Milk. That is a strange ingredient isn't it? Nah, not really. It tastes good and has some advantages over regular milk. Whether you want to make bread, pancakes, smoothies, ice cream or anything else with it, or you just want to pour it on your cereal in the morning ... as I do. So it tastes of marzipan and milk. Milk of almonds and beans have a reputation as "bland vegetarian food". But it does not have have to be so. They are excellent basic ingredients.
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It goes by many names. But pound cake is *the* basic recipe for chemically leavened cakes. It is incredibly easy and flexible. If you want to experiment with cake for your self, using the pound cake recipe as a starting point is a good way to do it.
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A danish classic. Very well suited for the smoked herring (kippers), shrimp or whatever you have in mind. We usually get it at Christmas, but it is not necessary to limit it to that season. It is suitable as a condiment for meats, in sandwiches and open sandwiches (smørrebrød) for all seasons.
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Video Recipe - Classic Danish/Scandinavian cake specially eaten at Christmas. I have certainly not seen it in other parts of the world. And this really IS grandmother's recipe. That is, not my grandmother, but my wife's father's grandmother. But that counts as well.
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This is the classic remoulade from Escoffier. It is like a cold version of a bernaise. It is a great herbal mayonnaise sauce. Usable as a condiment or dipping sauce for raw vegetables, french fries, bread etc.
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Biscotti means "twice baked" and is in fact a general term for cookies. The name for this version with almonds is in fact Cantucci and comes from Tuscany.
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Video recipe - This is as classic and simple a cake as you can possibly make. Yet the result is fantastic. Almonds, egg whites and sugar. That is all. It is difficult to make anything simpler than that. But it is considered a luxury delicatesse, so this kind of cake is mostly served at special occasions in Denmark. Christenings, weddings, confirmations, anniversaries and so on.
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A good tomato sauce can make all the difference. Whether it is for covering a pizza base or to put on a portion of pasta. You can find recipes online with oven roasted tomatoes, cheese and wine. A sauce does not those to be good. My recipe is simple, but there is also a few "secrets" hiding in it.
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In the US it is folklore that the cops eat doughnuts. In Denmark we have the same thing with this cake. The lemon moon. It is typical a factory made cake. But it is much better when it is homemade. Like this.
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you don't have to use plain old pasta as an accompaniment to your food. If you have a julienne tool, or little bit of knife handling skills, you can create a side dish with much more flavor. Various vegetables cut into long thin strips, with plenty of olive oil, garlic and herbs, taste far better than pasta and it's easy to make.
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Recipe with video - Once in a while I felt the urge to make my own sodapop. I especially wanted to eksperiment with unusual flavours. Or try to make my own cola, using one of the recipes that are online. But that sodamachine has always stopped me. I simply don't drint enough fizzy drinks to buy one of those. But then I found a very simple recipe where yeast is used to make the fizzle. Like beer and champagne.
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Video Recipe - Splitting a chicken is not that hard. But for a beginner there is a few tricks that are nice to know. I show my method for splitting chicken in 4, 8 and 16 pieces here.
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Laminated bread is made by making a normal bun dough and then folding it in layers with butter in between. There are different ways to do this. Using croissants and other types of bread as examples I show here what results the different methods will yield. This should enable you to "understand" laminated bread instead of just following a recipe.
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It's easy to make your own yogurt, and it can be quite different from the yoghurt you can buy in the store. If you like yogurt, it's even fun to make your own. People who are lactose intolerant can often also better tolerate homemade yogurt. The longer the yogurt "ferment" the more of the lactose is broken down. Making it easier to digest.
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