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is the most simple ice creams to make. It takes literally 5-10 minutes of work if you prepare a little bit in advance. Of course you can make sherbet without an ice cream maker, but they are so much better with one, so I strongly recommend them. Especially the type with built in compressor/freezer.
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Video Recipe - Roux is the classic thickening and darkening agent, that is being used in many of the classic French sauces. It's actually just wheat flour which is browned in fat, but there is some technique to it too.
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Video Recipe - Marshmallows are a new invention that was developed in the 50's. When making your own, you can even add any flavor and color that you want. It is also a recipe that kids love to try, so it is good to do with them. It does not take very long. This is a basic recipe. You may experiment with orange or strawberry juice instead of water, or water colored with red beets, or ....
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For large homemade ice cones the cones should obviously be homemade. I considered buying a waffle iron for this, but they make too small cones. Then I tried doing them in the oven, but it was hard to control the final result. Now I make them on a pan. They are only slightly more difficult to make than normal pancakes, and they require almost the same equipment.
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Without a doubt the Americans' greatest contribution to the culinary arts :-) Chocolate Chip Cookies. This is the "original" American recipe. It's also known from an episode of "Friends." It's only the filling I've changed a little bit, in order to suit my own taste buds better.
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The Celebrations cake is one of the very best cakes there is. We often eat it at new year's eve and for weddings, communions, birthdays, etc. My baker father in law, Kurt, bakes the best version of this cake I've ever had. I got him to give me the recipe and show me a few times how make it. So this is actually his recipe.
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There are few cakes that look as inviting as Macarons. Baby chocolate "burgers" with cream in the middle. In various colors even. They are not as difficult to bake as they might seem, and they are a great addition on any coffee table. Or as an accompaniment to a dessert. Ice, panna cotta etc. My personal favorite is this version with chocolate.
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A Danish cake classic. Heavy and spongy. Once again a variation on a pound cake. It's actually just a sponge cake with marzipan. But once again, it is a variation that is worth the effort.
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Fillet of beef is the same piece of meat you cut in slices for ribeye steaks. A tender and marbled piece of meat, with a lot of flavor. I slow roast it at a low temperature so that it becomes red all the way through and you can chew it with your eyebrows.
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What recipe to use depends on how long time you have to make your pizza dough. So here's an overview of how to get the best pizza dough in respect to the time you have available. The longer you time you have, the better the crust. But you can certainly make a good dough, even in a short amount of time.
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When you mention the word "spinach" it can remove the happy smile from many a face. But it can taste really great if you cook it the right way. Like in this recipe where I put it inside an omelette. This is a dish that I eat for breakfast. It satiates for a long time. Though I am sure that the big piece of fish helped somewhat too.
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A recipe I made by accident. I tried to make a coconut sponge cake. It was a bit bland. So I thought about how it could be pepped up. "Pineapple tastes well with coconut" i thought. Just like the pina coladas I had on holidays. So I made a thick pineapple syrup and poured it over. That made it really good.
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Video Recipe - Soy milk is a little difficult to make, but it's fun, and it's good for many things. Some vegetarian argue that you can use it instead of milk. That's not quite true. But you can use it in many places instead of milk. It is also the first step towards Tofu, which is a usefull ingredient in cooking.
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I know it from my childhood in the seventies. It was a classic recipe here in Denmark. But it has been somewhat of the radar for the last few decades. That is a shame since it is an excellent dessert. It is easy to make and inexpensive to boot. It is also a very good recipe to combine with other desserts. Especially if they include chocolate. This recipe is very simple, but I include a trick for pimping it up a little. Involving jelly and cake.
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Bread can be divided into several categories. As soon as you know them, it's easy to see a new recipe and say "ah that's this kind of bread." Which makes it easier to adapt any recipe for your own taste.
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In his book "Ma Cuisine" Auguste Escoffier describes a variety of sauces. Together the form the backbone of the modern French-inspired cuisine. There was both basic sauces and derivative sauces. This is an overview of the basic sauces and recipes for them.
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Article with video - Once you get the basic gist of it, knife handling and prep work is very relaxing. You don't have to think much and you are still making food. When it comes to knife handling and vegetables you basically repeat the same 5 steps. When you know those, it is simple to cut almost any kind of vegetable.
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Peanut sauce is not very well known in Denmark. It is an Asian recipe that is just as good on steamed vegetables on white meat. I use it mostly, however, as a dressing for cooked and steamed vegetables.
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Apple jelly tastes good for both desserts and meat dishes. It also contains a lot of soluble fibers that are healthy. The combination is hard to beat ... I tell myself :-)
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