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Sherbet is the most simple ice creams to make. It takes literally 5-10 minutes of work if you prepare a little bit in advance. Of course you can make sherbet without an ice cream maker, but they are so much better with one, so I strongly recommend them. Especially the type with built in compressor/freezer.
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In many recipes the measurements are volumetric. Such as Liters, milliliters, cups, quarts etc. Rather than in weight measurements such as kg, gram, lbs and oz. If you know the recipe, or is somebody who does not have a weight, it's a fine shortcut to do it this way. But it is not without problems using volumetric measurements of flour instead of weight. Here I show why.
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Video Recipe - I make a lot of Asian food. It's easy, it's healthy and it tastes good. It is the perfect everyday food. There are many elements that recur in Asian food. The Chinese "holy trinity" of cooking is "garlic, chili and ginger". It is used in almost all their dishes. The Vietnamese has another trinity. Soy sauce, fish sauce and sesame oil. If you premix those two trinities then it becomes very easy to make Asian cooking.
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For any gathering you always need something to dip the chips into. Guacamole is constant in the "top three nice dipping sauces". Here is a great recipe that is also suitable for filling in Mexican pancakes and as a side to meat dishes. It is basically "one of all" so it is easy to remember too.
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Video Recipe - One of the best snacks you can, well snack on, is also one of the easiest to make yourself. If you make them yourself, they are also much better than the ones you buy pre-popped. Warm and fresh. Maybe even made with clarified butter instead of oil. I get so sad when I see someone buying popcorn in bags from the supermarket when the homemade ones are twice as good. Maybe they are even 3.1415 times better !? So make them yourself ... right? Please!
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In french a stock is called "fond", from the word foundation. And a good stock IS the foundation of the french kitchen. It is the base of soups and sauces. It is the single ingredient that best distinguishes homemade food from what we get at restaurants. But most stock recipes are full of holes and implied methods. In this recipe I try very carefully to explain how to make a good stock, so you can raise the quality of your own food class or two. Death to the bouillon cubes :-)
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A simple and very very delicious accompaniments are French peas. If you just add a a bit of stock and reduce it they are even better. Strong in flavor and a perfect accessory, but it is also a dish in his own right.
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Video recipe - Raspberry and strawberry jams are made the same way. You can actually use almost any kind of fruit in this "pound for pound" recipe. One pound of sugar to one pound of berries/fruit. Then you just have to cook them to the right consistency. There are, however, a few tip that it is noce to know about.
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Video Recipe - Boiled potatoes from the day before are fantastic to use in many dishes. Potato Blinis is one of those recipes that I use them for relatively often. Small thick pancakes that are very similar to the american breakfast pancakes. They are equally useful in the sweet and the savory kitchen.
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Stir-Fry and wok cooking is still very new in Denmark, but it is becoming more and more popular. This is not really a recipe, but a general introduction to those that are not too familiar with it.
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A veritable explosion of chocolate. A muffin that contains three kinds of chocolate filling. Dark, milk and white. The various chocolates makes this recipe tastes completely different than a normal chocolate cake. And then of course there is the orange to give it a little acidity.
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Video Recipe - Cheese production seems like something dark and mysterious. But it really is not. Especially the cheeses that does not have to be aged can be easily made at home. The Italian Ricotta and its cousin, the Indian Paneer, are both very easy to make, and incredibly useful for cooking.
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Video Recipe - We knead bread for three reasons. The first is very simply to mix the ingredients together. The second is that the mixing promotes the formation of the gluten in the flour. It makes the dough more elastic. The third is to bootstrap the fermentation. In this video I show a basic principle that can be used for any type of dough, and how to implement it for dough with different amounts of hydration. I also demonstrate what gluten is, and what it does in a bread.
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Video Recipe - Every year in the late winter we have the danish fastelavn (carnival), which is essentially the same as halloween. Dressing up, walking door to door etc. These cream puffs are the cakes that are traditionally eaten at this occasion. But they are good all year round ...
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An English classic. A tangy lemon cream can be used as an accessory, as a spread and as cake filling.
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Sponge layers are made as a pound cake variation. Only without the fat.
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Lamb kleftiko (lamb kleptomaniac) Is an ancient Greek dish. It is usually the one we think of as "roast leg of lamb." Rumor has it that it was made by thieving greek bandits by digging a stolen lamb into a hole in the ground filled with red-hot stones. The lamb was then covered up and they could pick up the roasted meat day. The owner of the lamb would not be able to smell it cooking due to the burial, and you the thieves would get away with it.
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Video Recipe - A real autumn and winter classic. You have to start early, but most of the time spent is only simmering, and it takes care of itself. A stew is good basic recipe to have in your arsenal for all those "cheap" beef cuts. It may look complicated, and has quite a list of ingredients, but you use a lot of classic techniques, so this is one of those dishes you become a better cook by, and it is easy to vary.
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Video Recipe - The easiest way to make mayonnaise is with a blender. But a hand whipped mayo is almost as easy, and it's a good technique to know. It is also easy to use hand-whipping technique in a stand mixer, and that is actually just as easy as blender mayonnaise. For large portions, it is actually easier. I also show how to save his mayonnaise if it becomes separated.
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